All our lives we are surrounded by rituals. Basically, there is nothing special about it, but still I've made it my personal task to dedicate my professional life to implementing rituals to other people.
In the course of my life, I came to realise that only a well-balanced unity of form and content can determine a lasting statement.
Through my study course of liturgical music and my further occupation as a cantor in Düsseldorf I became familiar with the enigmas of music. I have been still asking myself today why music is the only form of art able to join people together all over the globe in a manner that brings them into emotional consonance.
This question is unlikely to be answered conclusively, but as a choirmaster I had the privilege of accompanying a variety of choirs on their paths. Three ensembles in Berlin and surroundings are currently relying on my expert advice.
A political project led me to Berlin a few years ago. After two years of my employment with the German Federal Parliament Bundestag I finally commenced my working in funeral services. I became a eulogy master. I quickly became aware that it's of major importance for a eulogy to comprise well-balanced linguistic content forms so as to create a dignified atmosphere for a funeral.
At the same time I came to realise that as one takes this occupation seriously, one develops pretty good sense-fulfillment. The establishment of my funeral homes in Sperenberg, Zossen, Berlin and Potsdam as well as the registration of the trademark SANS SOUCI Bestattungen (funerals) at the German Patent and Trademark Office were the logical consequence of what I have been doing for so many years:
listening – understanding – accompanying.
Yours truly,
Stefan Bohle